In the recent years the Internet evolution has undergone a remarkable and unstoppable change of trend, rooted on three main pillars, new technologies (cloud computing, SDN, NFV, etc.), broad connectivity (3G/4G, VANET, etc.), and the wide deployment of smart edge devices (smart phones, sensors, wearables, etc.), all setting the main concept for the Internet of Things (IoT), also encompassing scenarios such as smart cities, ITS (intelligent transportation systems), smart homes or e-health.
MED-COM-NET 2019 extends its focus far beyond traditional networking concepts, highlighting new networking concepts related to the mentioned three main pillars developed for the future generation of network and cloud computing technologies. Med-com-net 2019 is willing to accommodate contributions on smart mobile scenarios, focusing on highly relevant developments but also preliminary ideas and concepts on the ICT area, aiming at facilitating the development of new technologies and services with a high societal impact. A special focus will be outlined on vehicular networks.
Following recent successful conferences in Sicily (2006), Corfu (2007), Palma de Mallorca (2008), Haifa (2009), Juan-les-pins (2010), Favignana Island (2011), Cyprus (2012), Corsica (2013), Slovenia (2014) and Algarve (2015), Barcelona (2016), Budva (2017), Capri (2018), Med-Com-Net 2019 will take place in the city of Valetta, Malta, right in front of the Mediterranean Sea.
- Ad hoc and mesh networks
- Transport layer protocols for multi-hop networks
- MAC protocols, scheduling, power and topology control, and resource
- Sensor network protocols
- Vehicular networks
- Cognitive radio networks
- Integration of ad hoc networks with wireless access networks
- Implementations, testbeds, and prototypes
- Technology related issues (IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc.)
- Optimization models and algorithms
- Energy-efficient networking
- Security and privacy
- Location in Wireless networks
- New generation for Wi-Fi, RFID, Zigbee, 6LowPAN
- Participatory and urban networks
- Underwater wireless networks
- Green networking
- Smart grid networks
- UAVs and flying mesh networks (FANETs)
- Safety in vehicular networks
- Application in vehicular networks
- Intelligence in vehicular networks